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Ottawa’s Trusted Commercial Flat Roofing Experts

When you need roofing solutions to protect your commercial structure, Magnum Commercial has you covered with high-quality workmanship and industry-trusted products and materials. We have many years of experience providing clients in and around Ottawa with exceptional commercial flat roofing services. Our team understands the diverse needs of businesses and condominiums and a need for safety and flexibility when it comes to working on their properties. We take the utmost care to ensure the safety of members of the establishment, their customers, and their personal property.

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flat roof

Magnum Commercial Offers 24/7 Emergency Repairs

If you encounter issues with your roofing at any time, Magnum Commercial offers 24/7 emergency repairs to ensure you don’t wait long to resolve leaks and other problems. Our team carefully identifies the cause of your roofing issues and carries out quick and conclusive work to fix it. Like with all our other services, we will provide you with a free one-price estimate on the work you need.

Methods to Waterproof Your Flat Roofing

Magnum Commercial uses three main methods to waterproof commercial flat roofs. Liquid waterproofing or roofing coating is one way we can seal your roof, but we also utilize EPDM and TPO single-ply membranes and modified bitumen, a reinforced bitumen membrane. We have described three of these options below:

Modified Bitumen

These roofing systems provide a durable, weather-resistant surface on low-slope types of roofing. We can install modified bitumen roofing systems with cold adhesives, asphalts, or the common torch method. A standard styrene butadiene styrene (SBS) modified bitumen roofing system is a two-ply system we apply in rolls overlapping the previous roll’s edge.

EPDM (Single Layer Roofs)

An ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) roofing system is a single-ply roof material professionals typically use on commercial buildings. We apply EPDM roofing systems in large rolls varying in size and thickness. These rolls can be fully adhered, ballasted, or mechanically fastened. After applying the rolls, our team uses seam tape to seal the sheets’ seams together, forming a waterproof bond.

TPO (Single Layer Roofs)

Thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO) roofing systems are an environmentally friendly option for low-slope single-ply roofs. Our team applies TPO roofing systems in large rolls varying in size and thickness, and we can fully adhere, ballast, or mechanically fasten the rolls. Following adherence, we hot air-weld the seams of the membrane together, forming a very strong waterproof bond between the sheets.

Quality Service From Beginning to End

Magnum Commercial makes every client’s service experience as pleasant as possible and ensures satisfaction starting with a free one price estimate. Our estimate comes with our price guarantee, so you never pay more than your initial estimate.